Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 Released

My laptop was stolen, so now fiddling around with a new laptop I take my chance to switch.

Searching for a Linux brand and not sure which one to pick, I ended up with Oracle Enterprise Linux 5. Apparently this has been released in June and is downloadable via the main site

Why Oracle?

Not completely sure, but in the end this is a RedHat distro (RedHat AS V5?) and Oracle released it’s software on RedHat first. Second, I can get a support license via my employer. Also I am a Oracle DBA and knowing my base (the OS where my database relies upon), is always a good thing (a database NEVER stands alone, know your surroundings !).

My laptop is a DELL D820 Latitude.

My first setup in mind is:

  • A Linux distro (so now in my case, I give a try at Oracle Enterprise Linux 5)
  • Oracle Database 11g EE on Oracle Enterprise Linux
  • Crossover (I don’t want to switch to a virtual environment for Windows apps all the time)
  • VMware Server (to have an Windows alternative at hand when I need it)
  • Sonicwall VPN connection alternative/solution…?
  • Bittorent, music and video (XViD and stuff)

So lets see where this gets me.


As said, I am working with a DELL D820 Latitude, so here some updates:

Marco Gralike Written by:


  1. July 10

    I will keep you posted on my experiences. I am burning the ISO’s now. Arnoud Roth, an AMIS colleague of mine, mailed me (after I mailed my colleagues) that he had problems (can’t read) with the first disk so far…

    So I’ll see if I have the same problems.

  2. Arnoud Roth
    July 11

    Hi Marco,
    I have just upgraded my Oracle Enterprise Linux 4 to version 5 successfully.
    To enable the features of your laptop’s display, download the following file:
    modify your /etc/inittab to boot in runlevel 3:
    id:3:initdefault, and reboot your machine. Login as root, and run the downloaded file. This will lead you through the installation process of the NVIDIA driver. Make sure you have the installer compile the kernel module for you and press OK on each question. After the installation has finished, simply return to X by entering: init 5.
    Now you will have the NVIDIA control panel under Applications – System Tools – NVIDIA X Server Settings. Click on X Server Display Configuration, change the resolution to 1680 x 1050 and click on Apply.
    Now you will have the appropriate screen resolution. Easy as that!

  3. Arnoud Roth
    July 11

    By the way, don’t forget to put your default runlevel back to 5 after you have checked that everything is OK and before you reboot…

  4. Arnoud Roth
    July 12

    To enable the wireless for WPA, follow the next steps:

    1. as root, edit /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf to

    #Start of file#

    #End of file#

    2. Add any OS user that requires control to the wireless adapter to the wheel group

    3. change the sudo configuration running visudo
    scroll to the lines:
    # Same thing without a password
    #%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL

    remove the comment on %wheel, so you have
    # Same thing without a password
    %wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
    save and exit.

    4. edit the /etc/sysconfig/wpa_supplicant file and put in the following information (replace current information!):
    # wlan0 and wifi0
    # INTERFACES=”-iwlan0 -iwifi0 -eth1″
    # ndiswrapper and prism
    # DRIVERS=”-Dndiswrapper -Dprism -Dmadwifi -Dipw2200″

    5. Now, run the following commands (as root):
    #/sbin/chkconfig wpa_supplicant on
    #/sbin/service wpa_supplicant start
    You might need to enter restart in stead of start in this last command.
    This should finish successfully

    6. Now run /usr/bin/wpa_gui. This should open a screen and you should see eth1 highlighted. Click Scan, and your SSID should be recognised, assumed that your SSID is being broadcasted. If not, you should add the network manually.

    7. after having connected, you can either run /sbin/dhclient or use Network Control to activate your eth1 adapter.

    8. you are ready to go…

    Have fun!

  5. Dale
    November 4

    I am not familiar with Oracle Enterprise Linux. I have worked with Oracle on Solaris, AIX, HPUX, True64 Windows and VMS. All I can say is after experimenting with Oracle 11 on Redhat Linux 5 is stay away from that combination. It is a disaster. By far the installation of 11 on RH 5 is the worst installation experience I have ever had with Oracle. It is far worse that installing Oracle 8 on any previous Linux. I am suggesting to my CEO that we either stay with on Linux or switch to AIX if 11 must be used.

  6. November 4

    Can you explain “the disaster” part?

    I have installed Oracle on all those operating systems you are mentioning (and more), but I didn’t experience this “disaster” feeling on either off those OS. I must admit that installing Oracle on one of these OS systems are demanding and needs a lot of prep. RedHat / OEL linux are the first versions Oracle is beta testing on…

  7. chandan
    April 27

    Hi All,
    I m trying to install Oracle Apps R12 on Oracle Enterprise Linux 5. I have intel wifi 5100 wireless card installed on my laptop. I downloaded the microcode for that and now the card is active but the status says disconnected, it does not take ip from dhcp nor does it work when i assign manual ip. It does not even look for any wireless networks.
    What are the settings that i have to do in order to make wireless card work?

  8. chandan
    April 27

    Also i have WEP enabled on my wireless network.

  9. April 27

    Wow, your in for an ordeal. You could have a look at and see if your laptop is mention.

    Otherwise have a look at the redhat and fedora user groups fora/blogsites.

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