Just browsing the internet

Yep, it is holiday time, at least for me, and while I am trying to get my laptop to work with my WPA wireless (linux wise), I am just browsing the internet… The is a lot of funny stuf out there. So here some of my better sightings today, maybe good for a small laugh…

For instance, here is a great informational scene from Chris Rock about “How not to get your ass kicked by the police”.

Something I noticed in the initial versions of Firefox, when it was still one of the default installed links, is the Internet Archive. Besides the “WaybackMachine” which can show some of the old versions of your website you had once installed, for instance Doug’s website, or what to think of all the old versions that show up when checking Dizwell’s / Howards site

It also has a very interesting movie archive…

Here you can download, for example, old Charlie Chaplin movies or some old Bugs Bunny favourites.

On the Computer and Technology section, you are able to see some old shows from the Computer Chronicles (series from 1984 until 2002) that are very interesting and amusing, traveling back in time during the shows while watching them.

Some of my highlights on Computer Chronicles is a demonstration of one of my old favourite games called The Journeyman Project: “Burried in Time” (1995).

It looks that there is still hope that the The Journeyman Chronicles will continue.

Or maybe you are more into a comparison between Amiga and Atari in 1985. Probably it was more focused on the consumer market, only a small part mentions Oracle (eg. Personal Oracle 7 for the Mac).

Also a lot of visionaries and entrepreneurs can be seen, for instance Gene Amdahl, the guy from the Amdahl’s Law (the one Anjo Kolk is always refering to) ;-). Keyword search for the Computer Chronicles can be found here.

Great stuff. I can enjoy this for hours.

Marco Gralike Written by:


  1. July 29

    LOL. The good old days we build the stuff ourselfs


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