Oracle OTN SAX Loader Example

I tried to replay Marcelo Ochoa’s example called “Uploading WikiPedia Dumps to Oracle databases“. I noticed that the reference to the OTN SAXLoader Example was corrupted / partially unavailable.

While searching on my local hard drive, I noticed that I, a long time ago in 2006, downloaded the zip file. Although of course, there is no support from Oracle for it anymore, at least I would expect it tbo unsupported because of the very outdated example, I made it available here for people who still can use it and are in need for an SAX loader example with which will able you to import / load very huge XML files into the database.

The OTN XML DB Sample had once the following available:

The original file with the sources and information can be found here:

Mark Drake also posted some Java code on the OTN XMLDB Forum site you Java minded beings could use.

HTH, Marco

Be aware:

Do not ask for help here, for instance via a comment, related to this post, because my mindset is not compatible to Java.


Marco Gralike Written by:


  1. July 24

    Hello Marco,
    i was looking at the same thing a few days ago as i am working a lot with XML Db in the last weeks.

    Thanks for collecting the bits and pieces and put them back together!


  2. July 24

    Flavio, have also a look at the follow up post: “HOWTO: Load Realy BIG XML files” (

    This describes my frustrations a bit (trying to make old stuff work) and why I ended up not doing it via the OTN SAX Loader example.

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