There are (probably) more important things out there, for example, my daughter has twisted here knee-cap and me being here in Washington DC makes me a bit worried if all is well in Holland (be assured, I have called multiple times, but its not the same as being there) .
Also doing this dedicated Oracle XMLDB stuff since 2003/2004, being an “evangelist”…colleagues within AMIS probably have no idea how fast they will have to run again when Marco is starting about:
“Oh, I could do that with Oracle XML DB much more easier via…”
…but in all, I can’t help myself and its worth it. Its all about passion, no title really needed, I will do it anyway.
So during ODTUG, after signing up for some extra ambassador duties, I could add an extra ribbon which I really appreciate because I know that the people who nominated me, don’t nominate someone very easily. I’m honored and really appreciate it. It will help with getting people more into Oracle XML DB.
My thanks go out towards the Oracle XML DB Development team who kept supporting me despite I can be very “intensive”, as a Dutch friend described it lately, and those colleagues that still want to know how this all works in Oracle XML DB (they haven’t given up on me yet, me being a “mental case”).
There is so much I still learn from them and others and they really help me focus. Said that, of course this also counts for the other OakTable “intensive” passionate people out there…
Hoped to be of help and more to come…
Oh, wow. Big congratulations, Marco, and *completely* deserved. Sorry I didn’t notice this sooner but a friend died last weekend so I haven’t been following blogs.
As said, there are more important things in life…
Your conference ribbons get longer and longer and longer 😉
I don’t have a car…