Downloading VirtualBox VM “Oracle Enterprise Manager 12cR5”

I needed for some customer training a Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control VirtualBox environment with the latest Version 12c Release 5. While searching, hoping that someone already had created a simple post about it, via Google, for a new VirtualBox environment, I still only saw (at current) my own old post about it (“Downloading VirtualBox VM “Oracle Enterprise Manager 12cR4”).

So just, to make things a bit easier for you (and me of course): “Yep, it is already out there”.

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It can be found on, labeled “Oracle VM VirtualBox for Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control for x86 64bit” and it has an upload date of the 4th of August (2015).

In total the environment is bundled in 5 different zip files ( plus one extra with unzip instructions).

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The “WGET Options” link at the below left corner, will provide a 99% completed shell script to download the material. Always handy if you need to automate stuff.

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Have fun practicing with the latest software.

The link for the main Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Release 5 documentation can be found here:




Marco Gralike Written by: