UKOUG – Boost Your Environment with XMLDB

My presentation of 2nd of December during the UKOUG Conference… So what was in it? Mainly appetizers of how some useful things work and a little bit high level concepts. I demonstrated, I hope, new ways, with (some) foundations coming from XML DB functionality. How to interface with the outside world, for example, by directly saving and selecting from multiple XML files, on disk, from your database or getting or pushing data from/to the internet, like RSS data, getting data for your Google Maps API or easily setting up a SOAP web service.

So among others:

  • How to enable, disable the Protocol Server and to see its Status
  • Overview of the Protocol Server configuration file xdbconfig.xml, Its contents and meaning
  • Memory structures that effect the shared server and therefore also the Protocol Server
  • Protocol HTTP API’s like the PL/SQL Gateway, DBURI (oradb) and Native Database Web Services (orawsv)
  • An overview how the Native Database Web Services works + DEMO
  • An overview how the DBURI servlet works + DEMO
  • An overview of URITypes of  HTTPUriType and XDBUriType’s + DEMO’s
  • The possibilties of combining BFILENAME and XML, like selecting and save files directly from disk
  • An overview of Repository Event’s, how it works demonstrated via a simple DEMO

The DEMO files and a  pdf file can be downloaded here:

During the presentation, I made use of an Oracle version database on Windows XP. If using an Windows Vista machine, be aware that you need an extra security update from Microsoft MSDN while using WebDAV. Details are described in the Oracle 11g XMLDB Developers Guide.

The database was created using the Oracle Database Configuration Assistant. The template used in DBCA was the full blown sample database including all demo schema’s.

Access to internet and/or a local RSS feed from a website was used for the DBUri demonstrations. I wasn’t sure if I had the luck of actually having an internet connection, so I had also created an local wordpress site running on Xampp-lite as a backup.




Thanks to those who helped me to fill in some blanks and/or pushed me into finding a solution the XMLDB way, like Dimitri, Anton, Kieth, Laurent and also those giants who allowed me to stand on their shoulders, like Mark and Tom.

Marco Gralike Written by: