DBA 2.0 What’s in a name…
I have the utmost respect of Graham Wood and the Team that is handling all the technology and expertise that is going on in DB Console or the Oracle Enterprise Manager. They did a great job over all those years and have given us great tools to work with, like ASH, AWR & ADDM.
…but…this presentation of Graham and his “DBA 1.0” and “DBA 2.0”, talking about all the great features (and demonstrating it) of OEM, really really irritated me. The world isn’t black or white and even if it would be that extreme, the whole world would have an opinion about it. I don’t know, maybe that is also the goal of this presentation, getting people to talk about it.
The presentation starts by Graham putting out that OEM (AWR, ASH, ADDM, etc) is a great tool and, IMHO, he is absolutely right. So instead of doing the “normal” Oracle presentation thing, he presented two DBA people.