Category: Events

January 7

Today, I got my evaluation results for my presentation during UKOUG last year. Overall, I am not unhappy.  I am a little bit perfectionist minded, but for a first conference presentation, my overall feeling matched the scores given.

The score range the attendees had to / could use where:

The range:

Main scores are:

  1. Poor,
  2. Below Average,
  3. Average,
  4. Good,
  5. Very Good,
  6. Excellent.

The Length of Session scores are:

  1. Too short, 
  2. Just right,
  3. Too long.

The verdict 

October 19

Today I got an e-mail from Juliette Nuijten (Natural Join B.V.) alerting me that Toon Koppelaars will present on 29 November 2007, a mini seminar in Amstelveen Toon Koppelaars, Lex de Haan: Applied Mathematics for Database Professionals (The Netherlands), based on his and Lex de Haan‘s book: Applied Mathematics for Database Professionals.

Unlucky enough, I will not be able to attend and I am sure this will be an very interesting mini seminar.

This is not only because Toon is a very gifted and inspiring speaker, but also because the seminar will present a very useful practical methods and theories applicable to us relational practitioners. The content of this seminar, which can also be found on the website of Ivan Pellegrin ( that organized this event, will have the following sections:

October 8