Category: Oracle

May 20

Working for years with Oracle’s relational environment, XML DB is a completely different kind of beast. You’re confronted with all the languages and techniques the XML environment has to offer – XML, XML Schema, XSLT, Xpath, DTD, DOM, SAX, etc,etc,etc – plus the ones you know from Oracle’s (object) relational (database) world, SQL, PL/SQL, java, OCI, java, etc.

I am currently working for a customer, who implemented the XML DB functionality in a new system. The total amount of XML data is roundabout 200 Gb. The XML data is split-up in 4 tables, 2 tables containing an XMLType column (XML Schema based, CLOB storage) and 2 XMLType tables (XML Schema based, Object Relational storage).

May 12

Yesterday i was reading nice discussions on Asktom about the dual table. Afterwards somehow a “undocumented” Oracle feature popped into my mind again. Last time I used is at least in those days I worked with Oracle 7.0 /7.1. So I tried It out on Oracle database version and it still works…

😉 Maybe it is (still) usefull to someone. See hence my example:

March 3

It’s possible to have also two different version listeners (the 9 and 10 version) running, by settting different ORACLE_HOME’s and PATH’s, and starting the different listeners. I like to have 1 listener – as long as this can be maintained regarding incompatibility and bugs etc – therefore my latest listener version is leading (version 10g). Set your ORACLE_HOME accordingly. My 10g Oracle home is placed in directory/oracle/rdb10g/ and my TNS_ADMIN directory is set to directory /oracle/network/admin.

C:\> export ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/rdb10g
C:\> export TNS_ADMIN=/oracle/network/admin
C:\> export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH