Category: Oracle

June 4

A small blog post silence but I did a lot; or not, I guess that would depend on your definition 😉 one and a half weeks ago, or is it already two, I was very busy with “fun” XMLDB stuff, that is, trying to figure out some peaces that are not in a manual.


I was trying to figure out some internals regarding XMLDB domain indexes, like the hierarchic index, nowadays referred to as the Path Index and the domain XMLIndex index. Going through a lot of $ORACLE_HOME\rdbms\admin scripts, I found out that those two very important XMLDB domain indexes (one dedicated for the XMLDB repository and one for XMLType Binary XML / CLOB storage support in 11g) are based on the ODCI, aka Oracle Data Cartridge Interface, aka the Oracle Extensible Architecture. When I have a better overview, insight into this matter, I will dedicate a post on this.

May 20

I just read Doug’s, hopefully first (I am interested how it is to present on a boat), blog post called “Conference Activities“. I didn’t realize that the deadlines are almost up for UKOUG. It feels like just the other day that I presented for the first time on UKOUG last December. You really missed something out if you didn’t try to put in an abstract. UKOUG was one off my all time best conferences so far. The quality of presentations is very good and the atmosphere is very cozy and welcoming, although the weather reminded me to much on the sometimes horrible cold and dreadful rainy Dutch weather.

Anyway, I took Doug’s advise at heart and submitted two presentations this year. I didn’t really start on them yet, but I have the outlines in my head.

The first one is called:

May 14

I once started this website because of the steep learning curve regarding XMLDB functionality. After one year of existence the following posts were written by mean , for me as a notepad to remember what I have learned and or checked, tested or figured out and to pass it on to all those who are interested in XMLDB functionality as well.

I hope these posts, this list provided here, will be of help, to make those first steps or help designing a working and performing XMLDB environment. There is still a lot to describe and learn and hopefully I have time to cover these in the second year to come.

Have fun reading.
