If you start working with the XMLIndex functionality, than you start noticing that the syntax is to read in the XMLDB Developers Guide (chapter 5 of the manual). Despite to most ingredients are already known, because they are the same as during creation of normal indexes, the parameter clause can be a hassle.
Category: Oracle
The following simple create table examples demonstrate the four different ways to create XML Binary XML data storage. It demonstrates, in a simple way, how to create a table for XML Binary data storage.
- XML Table with a column based on Binary Storage
- XML Table with a column based on Binary Storage making use of a XML Schema (registered for binary use)
- XMLType Table based on Binary Storage
- XMLType Table based on Binary Storage making use of a XML Schema (registered for binary use)
Binary XML storage can also be combined with an XML Schema. As shown in Mark Drakes presentation whitepaper (slide 6), the lower right of the diagram, shown below, marks the section for XML Schema (structured, schema based) binary XML storage.
Slide 6 of “Oracle Database 11g XML DB Presentation (PDF) July 2007”
Click picture to enlarge
The following example will show how you can create an XMLType table making use of a defined XML Schema and how to avoid the ORA-44424 error (BINARY XML storage requires XML Schema registered for BINARY usage).