Category: RDBMS

September 3

It is undocumented. At least I couldn’t find references. In the XMLDB Protocol Server there is an extra service called orarep, and of course, everything which is undocumented interests me to pieces.

The xdbconfig.xml XMLDB Protocol Server configuration file has the following content ( “<>” has been replaced by “[ ]”):

  [servlet-pattern]/orarep/* [/servlet-pattern]
  [servlet-name] ReportFmwkServlet [/servlet-name]

If you try something like http://localhost:8080/orarep/ something like the following will show up.

August 24
August 10

Just got the email in…

We are pleased to announce the production download availability of Oracle Database 11g ( on Linux x86 (32-bit). The download is available from the Oracle Technology Network (OTN). There are many technical whitepapers posted for features available in this new release from OTN as well.

