www.xmldb.nl Posts

December 31

Today, 31th of December 2007, this say it all… Click on the image to enlarge.…

December 21

One of the problems I saw lately was mentioning binary XML encoding, so I was able to help out more specific on these issues then normally when issues arise on the XMLDB Forum.

Two of them caught my attention:

Both are issues are related to the same person, Christian Soutou. I am not really sure what he wants to achieve, but the discussions brought me some new insights.

Read more…

December 21

One of the new things in 11g is the possibility to set the method of how to enforce the validation / encoding of your XML document, straight away via embedding these options in your binary XML storage structure. It is just a small entry in the manual, but I think an important one. That’s why I wrote this small post, to emphasize this.

These extra options can be enabled during the creation of your binary XMLType table / column(s).

You have the option to use: