www.xmldb.nl Posts

October 12

Did it. At last I managed to install Oracle V5.1.17.4 on MSDOS 6.22 under VMware Server 1.04. You probably think I am nuts. As someone said on our way home from Miracle Open World: “I would spend my time learning Oracle 11g”. Maybe. The person who said it, by the way, is an Oracle trainer, so what would I expect…

I / we (Bert Jan Meinders, an old colleague of mine) did our first attempt almost 1, 1 1/2 years ago. Our first attempt was based on VMware GSX software after we succesfully installed Oracle 4.1 on MSDOS. This was the first time (and until now the last time) I saw a total crash of VMware software. Oracle V5 was shipped under DOS with a memory manager called SQLPME (SQL Protected Mode Executive) V1.2.1.

This memory manager made extended memory available for use of Oracle software (database, forms etc), this way it could cross the 640 Kb boundary of conventional memory.

SQLPME was aggressive enough with its peeking and poking in memory that it crashed the VMware GSX environment at the time. Under VMware Server 1.04 it just hung itself up / nothing happened.

SQLPME crash

Click on the image to enlarge

October 8
October 3

I already heard some rumors about it during Miracle Open World. It looks like Cary Millsap will probably present for Miracle Benelux in January 2008. I know, this sounds like a lot of ifs, but it will be worthwhile if your in the neighborhood.

So keep your eyes open for announcements on the Miracle Benelux website during the following months.

The Story of Bob


Your chance to hear the stories about: “The Story of Bob, Bob’s Boy, and the Bicycle that became a Ferrari” and “How (not) to blow up a box turtle”. Presentations of Cary Millsap are worthwhile, especially if you had never the chance to attend one.
