July 14
July 8

I noticed that when I wanted to do some tests with the 11g Native Database Web Service (again), NDWS for short, that I had to gather the information from all over the place on my site. Which was not so very handy. So here a short intro how to set it up, configure and deploy it, also based on the OTN XMLDB Forum example from Mark Drake.


In short you will have to do the following steps:

  1. Install Oracle XMLDB
  2. Enable the Protocol Server for HTTP access
  3. Enable the orawsv entry points in xdbconfig.xml
  4. Create an example to test the NDWS service
  5. Test the NDWS service by calling the WSDL entry point
  6. Troubleshooting

Sounds very complex, doesn’t it? But be assured, it isn’t at all. As pointed out, most of it is described in posts on this site.

May 14

I once started this website because of the steep learning curve regarding XMLDB functionality. After one year of existence the following posts were written by mean , for me as a notepad to remember what I have learned and or checked, tested or figured out and to pass it on to all those who are interested in XMLDB functionality as well.

I hope these posts, this list provided here, will be of help, to make those first steps or help designing a working and performing XMLDB environment. There is still a lot to describe and learn and hopefully I have time to cover these in the second year to come.

Have fun reading.
