Its not yet “the breeze” I hoped for in regard to “Installing XFiles” on APEX. I am missing parts of the source that XFiles in APEX is build upon and although I know where I can get it, it is not easy to implement it “The APEX” way. For example XFiles is depending on XDB Utilities, packages and methods in PL/SQL, that makes life easier while working with XMLDB and/or have implemented some of the best practices ideas of the XMLDB Development team and others. To do it, installing those, the “neat way”, it should be created in a different Oracle schema and not in the APEX workspace user owner (other database schema’s might enjoy them as well in the database).
A DBA View on Things…
APEX doesn’t have, AFAIK as a newbie, yet a proficient way to make this easy to install, or at least what I thought could be done, via a single packaged install. First of all, as said, there are dependencies to other “outside” packages and privileges. APEX doesn’t checks this but just fails and show a nice report with the failed statements (nice implementation) but would it not be even nicer to have a pre and post installation workspace import pages that checks on criteria needed and/or set by the creator of the APEX application before and afterward, the workspace SQL file is even imported. Ever have used, for example the latest, Oracle Software installer… That kind of thing but be a nice asset. There is now to much stuff, I hope that I actually implement correctly / as the APEX application creator, mend it to be.
An example. Apparently this XFiles demo application has been progressed in his source since the mentioned OOW 2008 Mark & Carl demo. It needs the database compatible parameter to be set to0 Oracle Database version to actually work in respect to demonstrated the Application Security for APEX build upon XMLDB Access Control List Security (ACL’s) features, as demonstrated by Mark during Oracle Open World 2009 (Managing XML Content with Oracle XML DB and Oracle Application Express).
The first page, the XFiles APEX login page, hints this security feature implemented (check box with “Application Principle”)…

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